Our Summer Harvest season usual starts around Mid-December with Sonnets.
After Christmas, we start into our varieties of Santina, Stella, and Sylvia, which takes us into early January.
Our main crop of Lapin's begins in the first week of January and is followed a week or so after with our Sweethearts Our last variety starts late Jan- early Feb of Staccato, our season tends to finish 4th February.
Our Varieties:
Sonnet is a very large, heart shaped, glossy, dark red cherry of excellent quality for its season.
A dark red, sweet, attractive, heart shaped cherry, which ranges in size.
Large, mahogany red cherry with excellent firmness and flavour.
Dark fleshed cherry, firm and delicious

Fruit size is medium, dark red, and firm.
Large crunchy, heart-shaped, bright red with a mild sweet flesh and outstanding firmness, travels well, small pit.
Very popular with growers and buyers.
Large, very crunchy red black cherry with super sweet burgundy flesh, very small pit.